Sunday, October 2, 2011

Skyscraper by Demi Lovato- Cover by Cassidy Smith

I made my very own cover of one of my favorite new songs! In making it, I learned a lot about the creative process of trying to make a song your own. Some of it flowed naturally, some of it took thought and planning.  I also found it difficult to listen to the finished product objectively... it just sounds like me singing and playing, and all I hear is that and the little imperfections. No matter how many times I listen to it, it's just me singing. I try to listen to it as an objective third party, but I've found that I can't.

When I decided I wanted to share it, I encountered an interesting test of courage. It goes back to my last post on vulnerability. Sharing this song means making myself vulnerable- I am presenting my abilities at their best and putting power in the hands of everyone who listens to judge me as they will. I have struggled prodigiously in the past with fear of this particular vulnerability, and it was not easy to share this song with my friends.

It occurs to me that this implies how relational I am, and we all are, as human beings. Even someone like me, who is quite confident and self-assured (generally speaking), fears sharing something I put all of my effort and skill into. I think inherent in people, in all areas of life, is offering everything you have to give and being found wanting.

This implies the importance of treading carefully with the people in your life that are closest to you. Of course, you can feel free to be comfortable with them. But the closer you are to someone, the more power you have to tear them apart. Every so often I meet someone who rejects close friendships. Not explicitly or even consciously, but for some reason they do not allow people to know them deeply. I think this is rooted in this fear- the fear of being known intimately and then rejected. It holds many people back, in varying degrees.

Anyway, enough of my transfers :) I hope you enjoy the song! I certainly enjoyed recording it.

Skyscraper by Demi Lovato- Cover by Cassidy Smith

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