Dear 11 loyal followers,
I have lots of ideas forming about really awesome must-read blog posts, but the end of semester rush is not permitting me to write. Thank you for following my blog (you really have no idea how excited I am the ELEVEN whole people care to read my blog), and I will be back soon!
In the meantime, here are some stress-relieving ideas for you.
1. Play an instrument and/or sing. Don't practice, don't worry about your sound, don't let any pressure be on you. Find a song that makes you feel peaceful and just make music. For yourself.
2. Know when it's time to throw in the towel, at least for a little while. Watch a kids TV show. Crochet. Lie on the ground and giggle. Whatever it is for you, allow yourself time to stop worrying and thinking about your to-do list. It's all about balance.
3. Don't underestimate the importance of eating and sleeping. Sleep is always near the top of my priority list, but when I'm really stressed I have no appetite at all. Food stops looking tasty. It's very, very sad. Remember to eat green things and fruits. Your brain and body need them.
4. Exercise is more therapeutic than it seems. When I'm stressed and tired, going for a jog is almost last on my list, but it can help dissipate frustration and anxiety.
This is what I do, ideally, when I'm stressed. What are your stress-busting techniques?
No *13 loyal followers!!
ReplyDeleteI was going to say... I may be a new follower, but I am loyal! :P